Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving.  I will be dropping the boy off at his school for football practice....yes..they are practicing today, just like last year, which means...they are in the 3rd round of football playoffs..  I will then head out for a long walk in downtown Portland with a good friend...Then it will be time to head home, relax and then we head out to my brother in laws for dinner...sadly, there will not be a football game on while we are there for dinner, BUT...I did see that they will be re=playing the Thanksgiving Day parade...which I am thankful for as I normally watch this every year in the morning...but with going for a long walk, I was giving that up.

I am working on a Maggie Bonomanomi (sp) pattern for a Christmas gift and should be able to get it done today.

Have wonderful holiday.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Today I went to a quilt guilds Holiday Stash sale...I am thrilled at what I got for $24.00...7 yards of fabric (my cell does not take the best pictures) three patterns and some thread.  I forgot to include the thread in the photo.  Some of the fabric is homespun, others are linen or cotton...GREAT for back ground/bases.  Then my good friend had her wool booth there and I had asked for some scraps in various colors.  When I got home, I found two fat quarters, 6 fat eights and numerous 7x7 or 8x8's...ALL FOR FREE!  Cathy at is wonderful.  Again, my cell phone does not take the best pictures as the yellows and greens are pretty bright.  I found two more patterns for $9.00.  Once is a Maggie Bonanomi and the other is a block of the month that was created by a quilt store that is no longer in business....can you say SCORE?  I feel so lucky and so blessed for my finds and gift today.

Now I am watching football and am going to go in and try to finish up my Threads That Bind Santa doll.  Enjoy your Saturday evening.